2011 Arduino Sequence


New member
To quote member Blackbeard from his post:

"it shouldn't be viewed as Arduino unless the normal sketches run on it, there's a development environment in place, and from a user's standpoint, they wouldn't see any difference in the usage or development stages."

My Maple Board:
1. Normal Sketches run on it.
2. The IDE IS the Arduino IDE (improved)
3. No differences except its faster and pcb color. Oh and 3.3V

This was my arduino based sequence for 2011. Made the custom shield and SSRs and learned how to do it all in 1.5 months. Arduino couldn't cut it yet so I used a Leaf Labs Maple Native Beta. The Maple is essentially the Arduino Due (if it will ever come out) and I will port my code over to it.

Currently I'm working on an Arduino specific Output Module because I think I cracked how to make it work with the slower 16MHz chips as they are. Like everything Arduino it was a fun project. My setup used around 54 channels and all are dimmable. Many people here helped with all my questions and as a mega-noob I thank you for your support.
Nice! So was this a stand-alone controller, or was it being driven by Vixen? If stand-alone, how did you create the sequence?
My Maple Board:
1. Normal Sketches run on it.
2. The IDE IS the Arduino IDE (improved)
3. No differences except its faster and pcb color. Oh and 3.3V

This was my arduino based sequence for 2011. Made the custom shield and SSRs and learned how to do it all in 1.5 months. Arduino couldn't cut it yet so I used a Leaf Labs Maple Native Beta. The Maple is essentially the Arduino Due (if it will ever come out) and I will port my code over to it.

Currently I'm working on an Arduino specific Output Module because I think I cracked how to make it work with the slower 16MHz chips as they are. Like everything Arduino it was a fun project. My setup used around 54 channels and all are dimmable. Many people here helped with all my questions and as a mega-noob I thank you for your support.

Do you have an idea of what speed is required? You suggest that the Arduino 16-20Mhz boards aren't fast enough. 72Mhz seems to be quite a leap in speed, so were the Arduino marginally too slow or just flat-out turtles when attempting to make a go of it?
Do you have an idea of what speed is required? You suggest that the Arduino 16-20Mhz boards aren't fast enough. 72Mhz seems to be quite a leap in speed, so were the Arduino marginally too slow or just flat-out turtles when attempting to make a go of it?

I meant the way I was coding the board wasn't fast enough. I wanted all the channels to be able to handle AC dimming and as I added output after output, one at a time, 4 channels was the most it could handle before becoming bogged down and all the lights started flashing weirdo. I don't want to suggest it can't do it. It was October, I wanted a christmas show run off an arduino. I also needed to design my own shield and relays which I had never done, so I made the choice of going with something compatible but much quicker because my code was working. I was in a time crunch is all.

I still think it can work. I see others wanting to strip it down and make it into a renard which I'm sure will do the trick. I just want to be able to upload a sketch to my duemilanove and have it run. Think of it like Thomas Edison and Louis Lattimer inventing the U.S. version of the light bulb and that took them 10,000+ attempts! Hopefully it won't take us that long.... lol

If I don't hit the slopes on Saturday I will try an idea I've been thinking about. I'm not super worried about it because the Due will come someday and the code will work on it. For next season I'm planning on using lots of DC LED strips with SPI and not having to worry about zero crossing makes the arduino perfect for it.
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