3.10 Released


Active member
3.10 has been released.

A few notes with this release.

The old legacy Nutcracker effect that has been deprecated for several years has been removed. You need to ensure all your sequences have been updated with the replacements before you upgrade, or you will not be able to open those sequences in this release. You can use the Find Effects tool under the View menu to search for them in your sequences if you are unsure if you have any remaining.

There is a new installer that now easily manages having a development build and a release build installed side by side. You no longer need to manually manage the install location if you try out the development builds. Each build will show up as its own entry in add and remove programs as well. The new installer also uses self healing logic, so corrupted installs should be less likely going forward.

Release Notes - Vixen 3 - 3.10u0 Build

** Improvement
* [VIX-2859] - Add warning while delete element on Preview Configuration
* [VIX-3112] - Add icon to controller output count form
* [VIX-3367] - Libraries that do not support .NET Core, .NET 6, .NET 7
* [VIX-3371] - Migrate OpenTK to 4.7.5 which is .NET 6 compatible.
* [VIX-3372] - Migrate QuickFont, SharpFont to .NET 6 and OpenTK 4.7.5
* [VIX-3373] - Update C++ Projects to .NET 6.0 and Visual Studio 2022
* [VIX-3375] - Replace Orc Wizard Source Code in Vixen solution with nuget package
* [VIX-3377] - Code clean up in the Vixen Application project.
* [VIX-3378] - Replace FTD2XX_NET with nuget package
* [VIX-3380] - Create Basket Weave Pattern Effect
* [VIX-3398] - Change the order of drop downs on the Curtain Effect
* [VIX-3404] - Tree Effect missing tooltips
* [VIX-3408] - Rework the installer to work with the new solution layout and .NET 6.
* [VIX-3409] - The device effects do not have specific help links to the now existing content for them on the website.
* [VIX-3412] - Include style pages from DataGridTheme to resolve .NET 6 compatibility
* [VIX-3413] - Replace CSCore with NAudio for .NET 6 compatibility
* [VIX-3415] - LiquidFunWrapper emits many warnings at build time.
* [VIX-3416] - The Curve library uses Security attributes that are now deprecated in .NET Core.
* [VIX-3417] - Custom Prop Editor uses several constructs that are deprecated in the Catel libraries.
* [VIX-3418] - Vixen.Core export features re throw exceptions that can alter the stack trace.
* [VIX-3419] - Refactor the CICD actions on Github to work with the .NET 6 file structure and setup changes.
* [VIX-3420] - Configure solution to build x64 or x86 specific targets to comply with the target specific C++ dependencies.
* [VIX-3421] - Clean up variety of warning issues in the solution.
* [VIX-3422] - Refactor deprecated WebRequest used in the RDSController
* [VIX-3423] - Correct warnings for hidden members / methods in PreviewLightBaseShape
* [VIX-3424] - Fix Fody Warnings in FixtureWizard Project
* [VIX-3425] - Clean up async await warnings in the codebase
* [VIX-3426] - Resolve obsolete GL calls in the FixtureGraphics project.
* [VIX-3427] - Resolve nullable and null reference warnings in the code.
* [VIX-3429] - Bump all dependencies to current version
* [VIX-3432] - Resolve deprecated usages of BinaryFormatter serializer.
* [VIX-3443] - Remove 32 Bit Support
* [VIX-3445] - Add self-repair (self heal) to the Vixen Install
* [VIX-3472] - Enable an override to set the locations for a prop to a common value in the center of the prop.

** New Feature
* [VIX-3339] - Add multiple effects using timing mark durations as delimiters
* [VIX-3346] - xmodel that uses states instead of submodels
* [VIX-3470] - Add ability to insert / remove channels to a controller in the middle of the existing range.

** Bug
* [VIX-3366] - Scheduler configuration allows pause of 0 seconds
* [VIX-3376] - Resource Project lost the build action of 'Resource' on a lot of images
* [VIX-3381] - Display properties layout is broke in .NET 6 tree.
* [VIX-3382] - Process.Start to open a browser window with a url no longer works in .NET 6.
* [VIX-3383] - Icicles setup dialog has entry box out of place in .NET 6.
* [VIX-3384] - Math/Sizing Error in Bars Effect with Zig Zag Bars in location mode
* [VIX-3385] - Copy / Paste of Effects does not work in .NET 6.0
* [VIX-3401] - Toolbar Button Images missing from Morph Polygon Editor
* [VIX-3405] - Shapes Effect Tooltip and Misc Issues
* [VIX-3407] - Disable nullable to restore older behavior prior to .NET Core
* [VIX-3410] - Vixen.Application.csproj has left over reference to Orc.Wizard
* [VIX-3411] - Incorporate VIX-3350 in .NET 6.0 Feature Branch
* [VIX-3414] - Beats and Bars functionality is broken in .NET 6
* [VIX-3428] - Nullable refactoring broke effect rendering in the editor.
* [VIX-3430] - Add user agent header to outbound calls in the download service used to retrieve vendor models.
* [VIX-3431] - Model vendors may not have direct links to the model files which can cause a hard crash.
* [VIX-3433] - Installer license url links to not found page.
* [VIX-3435] - Intelligent Fixture Graphics cause the preview to throw exceptions
* [VIX-3437] - Crash when playback finish on Sequence Editor
* [VIX-3444] - Vixen Crash when maniplutating divide at cursor on Fixture effect
* [VIX-3446] - Weave Effect Missing from build and fixing curve sampling error
* [VIX-3447] - Replace Weave Effect Advanced Sizing Curves with Sliders
* [VIX-3448] - DMX Open has incorrect channel amount
* [VIX-3453] - Dragging start point on timeline beyond the left of the Zero mark causes playback failure.
* [VIX-3454] - Double Clicking a Phrase causes all open sequences to playback that time range not just the sequence that has focus.
* [VIX-3456] - ShockwaveData CreateInstanceForClone is not copying ScaledRadius flag
* [VIX-3459] - Bars with rotation change from existing sequence not rendering
* [VIX-3460] - Location X, Y can be set to the largest negative number
* [VIX-3461] - Vixen crashes after a sequence is played
* [VIX-3463] - Fix broken help links in Setup Previews
* [VIX-3465] - Vixen hanging when looping sequence
* [VIX-3466] - Intelligent Fixture Wizard Summary can show the wrong Color Support for non lighting fixtures
* [VIX-3467] - Intelligent Fixture Wizard - Edit Functions Page is slightly clipped on the right side
* [VIX-3468] - The Visual C++ redistributable is not properly detected during install.
* [VIX-3469] - Program crashes during lip synching.
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