A yearly reminder for making power cords


New member
When making power cords what for these.


I forgot all about those can happen, made 4 cables last night and well....

Rest in pieces fuses. You did your job well.

Can't you pull one prong out and flip it around and ram in back in there?

Yes you can...

The problem is complacency when batch building cables and this is a great reminder! This happened to me both with vampire plugs and pixel pig tails.
Luckily I have built enough cables over the years to get in the habit of testing before using (usually with a multimeter). And have gotten in the habit of when I open a box of vamp plugs I check every one for correct direction and polarity then put a checkmark on the box. Same with cables and pig tails. I have a few "good" bins they go in once the pins to colors have been identified (different years sometimes have different wire colors).
Good to know.

How did the fuses blow? It seems with the pictured plug that you would have an open circuit. Unless there was a path to ground or I am missing something basic... I'm confused to how the fuse would blow.
With the plug being like this you are connecting the +/- to each other.

Later I found that the one channel I plugged this cord into is permanently on (Renard SS16). Luckily I have a few unused channels on that controller so I just moved it to another channel. I'm figuring I did a number on the triac and will just fix it later after the season is over...