Anyone running ESPixelStick V4 (latest) and scheduling with FPP? I have questions!


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I'm hoping somebody else here is running ESPixelSticks with the latest v4 firmware and also scheduling with FPP as FPP remotes with the songs loaded to the onboard SD card. I'm having an odd problem. When using FPP and stopping my show it's supposed to send an STOP and turn the pixels black, but instead... the pixels freeze (so it is sending the STOP) and then slowly turn off over 10 to 15 seconds. I've checked the boxes in FPP for "Always transmit channel data" and "Blank between sequences", which should result in the lights turning dark whenever the sequence ends. It just doesn't. I can't find any way to make this work. I've verified all my sequences are completely dark at the end, also. Everybody says it should turn them off, but it doesn't. I have 11 ESPixelSticks across 7 power supplies and I re-flashed them all with the latest v4 firmware (Beta5) and I still have the same problem, so I don't think this is an issue with a bad flash or bad data on a line because it's consistent across all 11 controllers.

I have this running correctly in xSchedule, but it appears that only works because even though I am controlling the sticks via multi sync as FPP remotes, I have the setting "Always send data between sequences" turned and it appears to be sending that data via DDP. I am inferring this because I have the primary input set to DDP and the secondary input set to FPP remote. If I disable the primary input (DDP), the lights behave in xSchedule the same as they do in FPP... they stay on when I switch songs or stop the schedule. That tells me that the data between sequences is being sent via DDP. It doesn't appear as if there's any way to make falcon player send that between sequence data via DDP. Everything is sent as multicast.

This wouldn't be a big deal, as I do have it working in xSchedule, but I'd like to move back to FPP so I can run on my Raspberry Pi. The crappy computer I have to dedicate to this shuts down randomly. This issue of the lights not being correctly shut down seems to be causing an issue where at the end of every song, the lights aren't responsive to the next song for 10-15 seconds. My amateur interpretation is the Stop is being sent (the lights do stop playing the current song), but that moment of the pixelsticks getting nothing is confusing them in some way. Rather than just blank and wait for input, they're getting stuck and having to progressively clean themselves up. Without any way to get FPP to send data via DDP, it doesn't look like there's a fix in FPP that I can use to mirror what I'm doing in xSchedule.

Thoughts? Anyone else experiencing anything like this?
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I just did sequence hopping from within a playlist on a raspberry pi 75 times today in testing with no issues (was tracking an issue with bad headers causing an issue which is now resolved). As for the rest, I will check to make sure the blank processing is still working, but last time I checked, it was fine. I do know that the FPP does not always send a blank at the end of a sequence and it never sends a blank between sequences. The 5 second timeout you see is the blank timer kicking in when there is no data and no sync messages being processed.
FPP won?t send the blanking packet if the Blank Between Sequences setting is off. If it is on, then the blanking packet should be sent via FPP MultiSync at the same time that the local channel outputs are blanked.
FPP won?t send the blanking packet if the Blank Between Sequences setting is off. If it is on, then the blanking packet should be sent via FPP MultiSync at the same time that the local channel outputs are blanked.

Just to clarify, I do have the "Blank between sequences" box and "Always transmit channel data" box in FPP checked.
I just tested the code and the display is blanked if I get a blank command from the FPP. Since it looks like there may be an issue with getting blank display commands, I added an option to the FPP config screen to trigger a blank Display operation when the ESP gets an "FPP Sync - Stop" message. New image is in the dist found here:

Loaded this new firmware up on 2 of my controllers. Seems I still have the same behavior. They're not blanking. I've been lucky so far for things to mostly just work so I'm not great at debugging the details, but I am a software engineer by trade, so what can I do to get diagnostics to help figure this out?

If you want, you could ssh into the Pi and run tcpdump and see if the blanking packet is being sent between sequences. Sync packets go out about once per second and when it changes sequences it should send a stop, blank, then start.
If I ssh to the Pi via the FPP interface, I get "You don't have permission to capture on that device (socket: Operation not permitted). If I ssh directly to the pi, it asks for a password for my account. Default "raspberry" doesn't work. Any how-to's on how to do this?

*edit* nevermind on 2nd half... saw it was using the wrong account. I'm in via ssh but tcpdump gives that message, so, guess the question becomes more how to use tcpdump. Not something I've done before.

*edit again* figured out I need to sudo tcpdump. I'm out of my element here as a web/windows developer! I'll get there. Now I see the stream... I'll monitor tomorrow night to see what happens between sequences.
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Install wireshark on a pc. Set up a filter to only look at data coming from the rPI. Then run your sequences. Capture the traffic near the end of a song and decode the sync messages.