Arbitrary Time Intervals


New member
OK, this is more of a 'maybe sometime in the distant future' suggestion than a 'oh please have this in the next release' request, but here goes...

It would be nice to be able to define the start of a time interval at an arbitrary point on the timeline, rather than being locked into fixed-width intervals.

Just wanted to plant the seed in the back of KC's mind. :)
Can you elaborate on what you mean by that, or what the change would allow you to do? I don't quite understand what you mean.
If I'm reading him right, he wants to be able to set part of the sequence to one resolution (i.e. 25ms) and then change it to another (for example 100ms), etc. I can see this as being useful for a song that has fast and slow sections in it - sequence the fast parts at 25 and then the slows at 50 or 100.

I don't think you're going to see this one anytime soon as it would be a bear to program!