automated fpp show


New member
Hi there all.

I've been looking around in my local maplins and saw the raspery pi. They are a good piece of hardware.

Am I right in thinking I could use this as a stand alone device to run my lighting show. Will the pi be capable of running all the controllers, renards etc.
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it would make my setup easier long term.

Many thanks

Yes,I have my entire show running off the PI. Create your sequences,convert those sequences to the Falcon Player sequences and your good to go. If you plan on not to having the PI connected to your network,then you will need a ras clock so the PI knows when to start and stop your show.

Running my show off the PI this past year was one of the best decisions I made. There are alot of us who us the FP and they will chime in shortly I'm sure. Good luck.
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This year will be my first year using FP. From my reading and playing around with it, I don't think many would be disappointed. Can run your transmitter, controllers and much more.
Yep....Pi will do well for you up too 32k channels, then you'll have to add another pi! Needless to say, the sky is the limit and the FPP can drive almost any common protocol that's used by Christmas light sequencers.
Last time I checked, the FPP version 1.5 is not out yet. The Pi Model 2 will require version 1.5 when it is released. Stick with the B+ for now.
Just checked the Supported hardware list and this is listed under the Model 2. FPP v1.5 (SD) (pending)
If you are not connected to the internet and do not have a real time clock, the option is there to manually set the clock on the web page. Remember that it forgets the time on power down. It will need to be set on every power up.
I've considered adding a cell phone rechargeable micro USB battery between the Pi and USB power supply to act as a real time 5V UPS to keep the Pi powered for the whole seasons without worrying about the occasional GFI trip.
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Wow reading these posts I really see the draw for this.
Time to add to my shopping list I think.
Just need to get the most reasonable price. Still have some time. ..

Thanks for all your help.
Check out cpc up in Preston - as one of the manufacturing partners they usually have the best price daily stock for the board, the rest of the stuff rasclock and enclosures you'll find the Raspeberry Pi retail ecology quite well served even in your locality down south
I have run my 24k channels on FPP for last two years. Each Fpp can run at least 64k channels. I think their testing showed 80k channels. Each Fpp can run any Usb controller or e1.31. Each Fpp can drive a projector doing 1080p I had 3 projectors running for Halloween. . Movie and lights were all kept. Synced to +/-1 frame. I have model B,B+, model 2. All work. Since your show data is not sent between fpp's, just a very small timing sync packet the fpp's scale well. Dave putts used two fpp's, one for his show, one for his neighbor across the street. He used wifi to link the two fpp's. Be sure to head over to to get more info. There are over 11k posts on just the Fpp software and the raspberry pi. Thanks to the Fpp team: Dave Pitts, mystify, maters addy, capt Murdoch.

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