ave HLS Sequencer How to


New member
I have converted my vixen files to HLS and it worked perfect.
Last year I had 144 Channels and this year Iam going to over 400
Here is my question:
I want to add channels to my mega tree I had 16 channels white, red,green and blue I want to go to 24 channels each color.
so I need to insert 8 channels after the 16th channel on white,8 channels after the 32nd channel on red, 8 channels after the 48th channel on green and 8 channels after the 64th channel on blue.
How do I do this?

Thank you.
Go into the "Manage Raw Channels" menu.

Add your extra channels.

Look at the bottom of the dialog - left side and there is a button that says resequence channel numbers with a starting value in the edit box right next to it.

Select the current group of channels and renumber them say at 600. Then renumber 8 new ones starting where the previous one ended.

Once you get things numbered - click on the "Channel Header" - which will sort and rearrange everything into it proper place.

We are still in beta - there ARE still bugs out there. I have one that does not save effects to the data base - I'm looking but can't find it yet .

So - make sure you save multiple times. Every time you save - I create a new copy - so if you find a land mine - it is easy to delete the current sequence and rename a previous one.

I don't want to see a lot of work get lost while we are in beta mode.


p.s. - If you were doing your 4 color mega-tree again - I would recommend using a single channel of white and an RGB channel to control your Red/Blue/Green strings - it would cut you channels to be edited in half.

That is what I am doing with my 4 color tree.
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