Basic terminology

The prior post I made was not actually my contribution. I suggested then as I do now that a pixel is an individual light, be it single or multi color, and a node is made up of one or more pixels in a single solid object, for example three pixels in a rectangular case.

-Rimist (via Tapatalk)
Rimist - we may be on the same wavelength, but I'd like to be sure.

I believe the core concept of pixels are that each light in the group is individually controllable (whether single color or RGB, but more often the latter). I would not consider a Walmart strand of incan or LED lights to consist of pixels, for example, nor even a dumb RGB strip without individual control of the lights therein; I don't think you mean to consider those lights as pixels either.

pixel strands:

If a single solid object contains multiple individually controllable lights, then each such light is a pixel; a rigid pixel strip such as the last example above (which has 10 pixels in a solid strip) might be such a case.

If a small solid object represents one controllable light (even if the light is compose of several closely spaced LEDs, like pixel modules), then it would be one pixel. From a distance, it would appear to be a single light which just happens to be brighter because it's formed from multiple LEDs controlled together.

This strand consists of 20 pixels (each pixel has 3 5050 style LEDs in a solid module). The 5050 LEDs are not individually controllable; the controllable pixel comprises all three 5050's in the module:

I haven't seen "modules" (the physical format - rectangular, square, or round solid objcts connected by wires) with multiple individually controllable pixels; I don't think that's what the market wants; true pixel strand products tend to be either in fixed physical relationship like strips (last two examples in the first set), or to with some flexible wiring between individually controllable pixels (strings and modules, the other examples in the first set). A module which contained 3 individually controllable pixels is theoretically possible, but I haven't seen one and don't expect to.
We're on the same page. I double checked and found the rectangular module I was thinking about has 3 RGB LEDs, however, they operate functionally as a single pixel.

-Rimist (via Tapatalk)