can you rearrange controllers in display setup window?


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V3 10.1u

I have a lot of controllers configured in my display setup window, some are the main display controllers and some are test controllers or dormant controllers not currently in use. I want to move the test/dormant controllers to the end of the list.

Is there a way to rearrange the controllers order in the Controllers panel, selecting and dragging a controller down the list does not work (for me)
I'm not aware of a way no, on mine they appear in the order they were added. Renaming them (alphabetical sort) doesn't help. If you open up the config files (which are in XML format if I recall correctly) you may be able re-order the relevant nodes there in the config data with care, but no guarantees on that since it's not something I've tried! Plus definitely make a backup first....

You can start and stop controllers which marks them with a red dot, you probably already know that though.
Not implemented yet to my knowledge - looks like editing the config may be a goer then. If you can get hold of an XML code editor, that may help you. Though it's also possible an app like notepad if you know what you're looking for. It's just a text file.
Just to add I did this to my setup today. I needed to reorder the <controller> nodes in the <controllers> group in the file [profile]/SystemData/SystemConfig.xml
Worked fine for me.