Channels do not update in Version 2.09.00


New member
When I update channels in my sequence they update in the program but the output to my display reverts back to the original saved sequence

- I copied the sequence file to another PC that has Vixen version 2.09,00 and it does the same thing.
- two Ren64s
- RS485 at 57.6K baud
- I built a minature model of my layout using LEDs so I am able to test actual sequence in version 1.1 and 2.09 where it works fine in 1.1 only.

I really like version 2.09 features including channel reorder, color coding etc... but 1.11 seemed more reliable. Is there a known problem or am I causing the problem. Do I need to revert back to version 1.11?

Let me know if you need more details.

Not sure if this is the same problem or not, but I found that if I made an adjustable preview and then did a channel reorder, the preview didn't update accordingly, so it wasn't doing what i thought it would. Not sure if that is a bug or just a limit of the program.
Are you making changes in the Sequence, or in the Profile? I believe you have to make changes and save them in your Profile to make them "stick".
When you say "update channels" what exactly do you mean? Are you adding more channels? Are you changing the channel output assignments? Are you changing the channel order? Are you changing the channel colors?
When I edit this particular sequence by turning the cells for each channel on or off, the channels do not respond on the controller when I run the progrram (F5 or F6) unless I save the updated sequence and reopen Vixen. For example. Channel 8 - turn from off to on for 4 seconds (test).

I am using the same profile where the channels are re-oreded and color coded.

Does this help?
I posted this in the other thread:
Macrosill said:
It sounds like, from what Ernie said, that you can play the sequence and "stop" it anywhere in the sequence. Then edit the events. Then you can choose to "play" or "play from here" and the changes will take effect. Instead of having to play from the beginning each time.

Does that sound correct Ernie?
Ok, This looks like the same problem. If I start the sequence using f6, at the beginning of where the changes were made, the changes do not take affect. If the sequence is restarted after making changes in the sequence by using F5 then the changes are accepted.

Will there be a soft patch for ver 2.x in the future? Is there a recommendation or work around?

Thanks again for providing thread.