DIYC Theme

Minor issue...the button bar at the top isn't quite right. I'm running with Firefox 3.6.3 on an old Asus netbook with the FreeBSD 7.2-Release. The button bar (Forum:Blogs:...) isn't displaying right when the screen is re-sized horizontally, especially when the screen width is less that 960 pixels or so.
I have deactivated the Users Online module on the home page, until it can be fixed. There should no longer be any issues with IE8.
We believe we have fixed the Online Users issue on the DIYC Homepage when viewing in IE8. I have reactivated the module. Please go and check it out and let me know if it is working or not.

If it works then a Thanks goes out to Jon, if not then it is my fault, LOL.
We believe we have fixed the Online Users issue on the DIYC Homepage when viewing in IE8. I have reactivated the module. Please go and check it out and let me know if it is working or not.

If it works then a Thanks goes out to Jon, if not then it is my fault, LOL.

Works for me.
Not that it really bothers me or anything but the pointer on the home page to my avatar is going to
instead of
Not that it really bothers me or anything but the pointer on the home page to my avatar is going to
instead of

That should be fixed now.
That should be fixed now.

Yes but now the avatars in the forums are pointing to


rather than ...


so they work on the home page but are now broken inside the forums.

I could learn to really hate vBulletin if I had to maintain it ... ;-) ...

An Administrators job is never done, he gets us cool upgrades and creates more work for himself.

Thank you Brian, if it wasn't for you my Christmas wouldn't be Blinky Flashy.

Hey Brian, I thought you'd might like to know. The changes you've made are looking so good I felt my own website was inadequate. Yup, thanks to you I've updated the appearance of my site.