Does Falcon Player keeps a copy of the xml?


New member
Hi There:

Lost all my xmls, but have the fseq from Flacon Player. The problem I can't open the fseq in xlights, change my layout and re-render without loosing all the effects. Do the Falcon Player keeps the original xmls or just fseq is uploaded?
Not an expert - but have plenty of chances to learn from times like you have experienced.

First off, the .fseq files are the result of rendering and for all intents and purposes cannot be backward engineered.

Second, check your show directory for a "backup" sub-directory. If your copy of xLights has backups set, then your .xsq and other files should be located there under the latest date. My sequencer is set to backup "on start" and every time I start up xLights and open the show folder, a copy is made under a date/timestamp.

FYI - This has saved me more than once.
Thanks. Backup folder was on the same lost drive. Lesson for me, put the backup on a cloud folder. I guess I will have to re-invent the wheal. This was for me weird setup with a bunch of irregular trees with different number of lights and spirals set as a group.