Duplicate Selected Preview


New member
I have been chasing some issues today and have found them to be linked to trying to duplicate a Display Preview with the Duplicate button. After duplicating a preview I found that some of my element links were missing (now white) and then found out that some of my pixel elements show linked (blue) but did not show up on the preview window when playing.

I have reverted back to the original and edited it to keep moving forward, I would like to be able to save the old preview and duplicate it to move forward. As of now it breaks the duplicated preview.

Release 3.8 Build #1045
This sounds like it's probably a bug in the duplication routine. I can't imagine any type of mistake on your part that could cause this to happen. Is it a particular type of prop that's not retaining its links when you duplicate, or is it random?

It's probably best to open a bug ticket for this issue at bugs.vixenlights.com so we can capture all the relevant info in one place.
oh. One thing to try before calling this a bug. Only one of the two previews should have the "update location properties" checked in the setup menu. Otherwise odd things may happen. You should only let one preview control the locations of the props.
I think I will open a ticket, thanks for the link. Since posting and still messing with it I have now found that the Preview that I am duplicating looses the same info that I thought was only lost in the new copy.

I am also posting here before a bug to make sure its not me doing something wrong, that's a high probability.
try opening the preview you don't want to use, make sure that "Use location properties" is not checked. Then close it to save. Then open the one you do want to use. Make sure that the "Use location properties" is checked" Select one of the props you're seeing the problem with and click and move it around on the preview and then put it back. Save and close and see if that gets it working.

Then try this: Start a new simple test sequence. No audio needed. Put a simple set level effect on the misbehaving prop and see if it lights up in preview.
I would be a bit surprised to find a bug in the duplication because it just saves another copy the way it saves the original. Anything is possible though. Sounds like you might be seeing some issue in the original that might be getting duplicated so if we can investigate that also, it would be good.