Eagle 5 ...


Active member
Just passing along some information that I learned about a couple of weeks ago. I was attending a conference, where the new "Cadsoft Eagle License Options" was being bantered about.

As many of you know, there's a freeware "light" version that works for small diy boards, but has certain limitaions (1 page schematic, 2 layers, small board size). The next step up was (as I recall) the non-profit standard edition ($150 or so)).

There is now something called "Freemium" which appears to give most of the functionality of the "standard" edition, but on a limited 60 day trial. This includes upto 99 pages of schematics, double the board size, and newly added 6 layers. (That's the part that caught my eye. Some ideas I had for an RGB controller, was going to need more than 2 layers)

Anyhow.. just thought I would mention it.