ESP32 led controller videos


Supporting Member
This is probably the wrong forum to post this in but I didn't know where to I apologize.

Anyway, I came across this set of videos from David Plummer talking about programming the ESP32 for controlling WS2812B strips. I'm only a few episodes in and so far it's fairly basic stuff but it appears that he's going to get into a lot of detail on how to write your own controllers for the strips. It's pretty interesting and I thought people here might want to check it out.

If nothing else, for someone like me who grabbed a few boards but haven't had time to play with them yet, it describes the setup to start programming them. At least for me, that's pretty useful stuff.

Just a heads up. He kind of changes the name of the series each episode but if you just follow the episode number, and not the name, it all comes out in series.