GECE pixels - FREE


Supporting Member

I have about 100+ C9 (green wire) and 100+ icicles (white wire)

FREE TO WHOEVER WANTS TO PAY SHIPPING, about $65-100?? I can check depending on where it is going -- Local pickup is free. I want these gone.

September 1st is the cutoff date then they are going to the circular file.

Last I checked, all the pixels worked. I bought all new C9 lenses and they were out for one season. There are still allot of viable clips also.

If you want to use these, keep in mind the controller is special. I know SanDevices supports GECE pixels. If I remember correctly, the Falcon also supports GECE pixels, however, do not combine any others on that controller because it slows down for the GECE pixels and trying to use WS2811 pixels with them, usually does not work as intended.