Has anyone ever put 6 PSUs in Ammo Crate?

Here's what I have learned. Not quite thru yet but getting closer...
Need PG11 glands for AC power cords. By the way, I tried to use three AC power cords, one for two PSUs. I didn't like how I was going to have to jumper from PSU to PSU, so I went ahead and did six pigtails, one per PSU.
Some pixel pigtails don't quite fit in the PG7 glands, so I got some PG9 glands too.
I benefited (greatly!) from Clyde Lindsey's vid--I attached the AC power cords before "lowering" the PSUs into place. Was a good bit easier like this.
Ran a 270 node star on some F16V3 test patterns for about 1.5 hours. No heat problems noted. I'm figuring that's a pretty decent dynamic test to make sure stuff isn't getting too hot inside the box.
I like the egg crate-type fluorescent light--used it as recommended by JNealand (thanks Jim)--it is easy to use and helps train the leads.
I had to cut off the screw holes on one of the BUD vents; where I wanted it in the box the screw holes would hit a piece of the box. I had to turn that piece because when I turned the external part I couldn't get it pointing down...
Anyway, much thanks to Clyde Lindsey for posting that great vid earlier this year. I pretty much copied what he did with some changes for my setup....
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PIc of final build with all leads landed on F16 and expansion boards. I also posted a pic of a Euro connector that did not have the screws installed in it that you use to secure the wires. I had a spare so no big deal....


Enclosure final 1.jpeg
Ok. Followup question. I have successfully used the MTM setup as described in earlier posts this year without any issues other than three PSUs in one box going to ground and tripping the GFCI. I rerouted to non-GFCI source and all is well since then. So, thinking forward to next year... I am not thinking about putting six 600W PSUs into one MTM ammo box to drive some long lengths of pixels. Will the heat that goes into the ammo box generated by the 600W PSUs be about the same as the 350W PSUs? I would continue to vent the MTM boxes with the BUD vents and fans so I don't believe this will be an issue, unless the heat generated is a lot more with the higher power PSUs. Figured I would ask "early". Thanks in advance.