How can I group basic shapes I use to build props in the preview config screen?


New member
I have a number of props I've added to my preview that are just block style assemblies of some of the basic shapes available in the preview configuration 'basic drawing' objects.
I can get close enough with this approach but I'm having trouble figuring out how to get the individual boxes and circles that make up a prop to group into a single item that I can move around the screen and resize and such. Another problem this presents is that I have to associate every single sub-item in each prop individually to get the prop to 'light up' properly when it needs to in the preview.

Is there a way to make a bunch of simple shapes group into a single prop entity that can then be selected that way instead of the hard way I've been doing it? I've been searching the vixen manual and if it's there I've missed it. I have not noticed anything in the software's menus that would seem to enable this either.
Use control key down while clicking on each item in the preview list you want to group. Then right click one of the selected items and choose Group Together and name. That will at least get them grouped as 1 prop.
I have got to the point where I model most all the props I make in the custom prop editor. Once you get comfortable with how to do them, you can build pretty robust models with all the grouping setup. If they have face elements, you can build all that into it as well. I made some custom matrix trees and I mapped out all the face parts from the matrix part into the model. I have 8 of them, so once I had it prototyped out and working as desired, then I could import and create them with ease. It becomes harder to do that if you try to piece them out with poly strings or the like.
Jeff, These were existing ones I've used for a few years that I just wanted to make a prop with multiple things into a single thing.

TomsLEDs, I tried your suggestion... held CTRL while selecting all of the shapes I wanted to group together, then right-clicked. In the right-click menu I only see 'cut, copy, delete and set Z location'.
Did I miss something?
You can group them together via the legacy grouping features. Select the items you want to group. Then right click in the open area, not on any of the preview items. Group should be an option. That will glue them together. To ungroup, you can do the same with a group selected.
Thanks, that worked much better. :]
I now have everything grouped like I wanted them to be. I knew there was a way because I did have a few things grouped from several years ago, but for the life of me I couldn't remember how I did it.