How to keep pipe thread from rusting


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What does everyone use to keep the threads on the pipe from rusting throughout the year? I have an ASAP and portable hole. Trying to decide how to prevent the threads from rusting during the off season.

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Bacon Grease - smells delicious and is functional.:lol::lol::lol:

Seriously though - some type of a light grease or a thick oil brushed on lightly should work fine to protect it.
Just a light coat of oil, as mentioned will keep it from rusting. Also makes assembly and disassembly easier.
I have sprayed mine with Rustoleum and before I assemble it I put some vaseline on the threads of both pieces. Works great for me. I have a JUMP pole I built many years ago and I cannot get that unscrewed from the base even after soaking it in wd40 for days (both inside and outside and banging on a pipe wrench with a sledge hammer so you will do well to take it apart every year. I never took the bottom pipe from my base until I wanted to uprade that pole to an ASAP last year. I learned my lesson the hard way. LOL Fortunately the JUMP still works fine.
I have sprayed mine with Rustoleum and before I assemble it I put some vaseline on the threads of both pieces. Works great for me. I have a JUMP pole I built many years ago and I cannot get that unscrewed from the base even after soaking it in wd40 for days (both inside and outside and banging on a pipe wrench with a sledge hammer so you will do well to take it apart every year. I never took the bottom pipe from my base until I wanted to uprade that pole to an ASAP last year. I learned my lesson the hard way. LOL Fortunately the JUMP still works fine.

Use a torch to heat it up and a lubricant , it will come apart real quick ! :)
I have sprayed mine with Rustoleum and before I assemble it I put some vaseline on the threads of both pieces. Works great for me. I have a JUMP pole I built many years ago and I cannot get that unscrewed from the base even after soaking it in wd40 for days (both inside and outside and banging on a pipe wrench with a sledge hammer so you will do well to take it apart every year. I never took the bottom pipe from my base until I wanted to uprade that pole to an ASAP last year. I learned my lesson the hard way. LOL Fortunately the JUMP still works fine.

I use Kroil to loosen up stuck parts. I have used it on threads that are rusted for many years and the stuff never fails to free up even the most frozen parts within a few hours! WD is kids stuff in comparison to Kroil :wink:

Although it never hurts to have a torch handy and some 2 foot pipe wrenches for those extra tough jobs.
Curious, is anyone using anything on the winch or other external parts for ASAP pole to protect them from rusting?
I have also tried to use light weight oil to the threads, however it never worked out! The only solution that I have tried, and looked to be pretty good, was the good old axel grease. Probably the most simple solution, the one that many people do not even take into consideration, however I do consider it the best way to prevent the pipes from rusting. Even the guys from the best plumbing services online also advised me to use the axel grease, as they also use this material to prevent the pipes from rusting.
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