Inflatables Ropes


New member
I am looking to add ropes to some of my most problematic inflatables. With other 500, purchasing replacement ropes from decorating websites is not feasible. Looking for something that can be bought in bulk and cut as needed. I’ve tried many different types of rope, but they are either too heavy, to difficult to tie, or not flexible enough. Do you have suggestions of what type or rope/cord (e.g. material, braid type, construction) makes the best tethers for the smaller inflatables (6’ or less)? Thanks for any guidance.
You could go with 550 cord (paracord). If it is too thick, you can separate the inner cords and use those individually. The inner cord is white, but it is so small it disappears into the background. Additionally, it is incredibly tough.

Anything that is "freestanding" in my display has "guy wires" of 550 inner cord to prevent the wind from blowing them over.

If you go the 550 cord (or inner cord) route, just remember to burn the ends when you cut it, or else it will fray.

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I replaced all the support cords on my inflatables with paracord a few years ago. I also added some extra guy lines on bigger inflatables over the years as needed for the high wind days.
You can buy white paracord or pretty much any color you need it you want it. I use 4 different colors due to the color of the inflatable that needs the guy lines to help the cord blend in with things but white is my primary color since I live in upstate NY with snow all winter! :blush: My inflatables range from 2 feet tall to 12 feet tall and I have never had any trouble with the weight of the cord causing any inflation problems so far.

I have found no problem with using the full paracord without having to trim off the outer jacket and it lasts for years. If it gets dirty, I just use some bleach in a bucket to soak it for a little while and then wash and it comes back nice and white. I did give up on the clasps and metal hooks that many use as it just adds weight with no advantage. I use a long length of cord and fold it in the middle. Stick the middle through the loop on the inflatable and then pull the two ends through the folded end of the cord which makes two lines to use for staking out the inflatable. Makes it easy to replace the cord if necessary or to take it off for cleaning.

Definitely make sure you melt the ends though or it will fray.
Twine. Blends right in with dead grass (which we tend to get in the winter). Then I get carabiners, so as to make sure the twine doesn't rip up the inflatable in high wind. I also use twine for guy lines on other props, since it's the least visually deleterious material I've found thus far.
The white stuff is good if you think snow will cover the ground more often than not in December.
I have fishing line that I currently don't use. While it is a bit cheaper than twine and it is very much invisible, I found that it takes forever to cut it to the right length and tie knots in; and when you do, the knots tend to slip a lot when you pull hard on them. Fishing line couldn't hold my inflatables back when the wind blew hard on them. The knot would just slip and slip until eventually, the line came loose. Plus it was soooo invisible, that I would trip over it a lot when I was working in the display. But I guess that's a good thing.
Thank you all for the replies! Just finished my Halloween display with 150 inflatables ranging from 3’ tall to a 26’ Pumpkin. Going around now to upgrade the lights and adding the extra ropes. I’ll definitely try the paracord.

Happy Halloween!