Intensity and power consumption


Active member
Hey All,

If you use use the "Master Lighting" feature to limit intensity does power used correlate to the intensity level 1 for 1?

As an example...if I limit pixels to 50% intensity do they use half the wattage or is it some form of logarithmic curve that isn't a 1 for 1 trade?


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The power correlates on a 1 to 1 basis, light output may not, although it would be pretty close.
Short answer is no 1-1 with the Master lighting feature .

Though the feature is great ,especially for easily adjusting pixel plane effects as required or complete sequences .

Dimming curves is a better choice or ultimately the output brightness setting in the controller .

That said , you will never achieve a 1-1 power gain but you can reduce the need for injection in many instances .

P.s. you maybe -just might - if you hold your head a certain way :) be able to do it with 12v ! HaHaHa
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Thanks guys.....Just curious Rich...if you lower intensity/power levels using dimming curves does that show up in preview or just in the output?