looking for walk thru to make pictures for matrix/megatree


I am hoping someone will help with a step-by-step walk thru on how to convert pictures to put on a matrix (or in my case a megatree) What programs are used etc.


Download Piskel: https://www.piskelapp.com/
Set the size of the canvas to size of your matrix and you can create frame by frame animations.
Very easy to use and will get best results if done at resolution of prop instead of scaling it to fit.
Thank-you MikeKrebs. I will try your method as well.

However, because he posted first, I have started with Dr.Neutron's suggestion.
I have followed some youtube videos and made 2 drawings. What i am wondering is what to save them as from Piskel ? And once saved, how do I bring them into Vixen??

Thank-you MikeKrebs. I will try your method as well.

However, because he posted first, I have started with Dr.Neutron's suggestion.
I have followed some youtube videos and made 2 drawings. What i am wondering is what to save them as from Piskel ? And once saved, how do I bring them into Vixen??


I can't speak for vixen, but I save them as .jpg files for use with the picture effect in xlights.