Mega Tree Topper Question


New member
Hi All,

Last year I used the 46 hole mega topper from Boscoyo and I did 24 strips of 75 on it for an approx 180 degree tree. I'd like to add some density while still maintaining an approx 180 degree tree. anyone try putting 2 strips on a few holes in order to up the density? Thinking maybe 32 strips so just need to add on a few. I'm sure by time it got to the bottom it would look fine, but not sure how the top would look doubling up on a few j hooks. Any tips appreciated.
I'm still learning as I go, but when I try to double up the strips on top, they get all jagged and one strip wants to sit on top of the other for half the way down. I think the strips need another hole of dead space on top. I'm thinking about 3 or 4.