Memorial Day - Thank you

Good Job Don!

one of the things that gives me the biggest amount of joy, is when someone stops me in the market or store and simply says "thank you for your service" that means TONS to me :)
it makes all the injuries, countless sleepless nights, etc worth it all.
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All Fellow Veterans,
We proudly salute you, for your service, your dedication, and the fact that you once displayed what HONOR is. You signed a blank check to the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT with a value of up to and including your life.
HONOR is not something that many understand let alone, can even respect. Being a UNITED STATES VETERAN, is a proud title we share with millions around the country and the globe.
Today, on Memorial Day 2014, we honor our brothers and sisters that have gone before us, their check has been cashed. It is because of that GIFT, that we have the freedoms we do have.
As a veteran that proudly served this great country, I stand with my brothers and sisters who also served with honor, integrity, valor, and dignity in saluting all those that have gone before me.
YOU and your sacrifice will never be forgotten!

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Thanks Don, Keebler, and back at you. When you were born I was being inducted. January 1967
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