Midsouth Lights Mini - August 10th - 11th


New member
Announcing our 2018 Midsouth Lights Mini!

Setup and meet'n'greet starts at Friday, August 10th @ 6PM along with a pizza dinner. Members will host a garage sale of items from their collections they no longer need. Anything from lights to controllers could be available!

Sessions begin at 9AM Saturday with a wide array of topics which include:

LOR to xLights, 3D Printing, Singing Faces, Audacity and much more.

Embroidered shirts with our logo will be available for purchase. $20 entry fee which includes snacks, beverages, and lunch.

Location:St. Paul United Methodist Church
2949 Davies Plantation Rd, Lakeland, Tennessee 38002
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone Friday and Saturday. Anyone and everyone is welcome! If you are anywhere near Memphis please come on by and check it out. We will be setting up Friday evening so we will be ready to start Saturday morning.