My skull project


New member
hello Joe and all

This is a very simple Animatronic skull I just put together. It is driven with a Dave Hopp/Mike Ardel bobcat servo controler. It uses DMX protocol. Working quite well with HLS.


Still need to add some LED eyes
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Any idea if there is control for the SSC32? I also have the Bobcat controller with (10) board waiting to be built but no time!! I have been using Brookshire's VSA software and would LOVE to get away from it. I know Vexen can do it but was wondering if HLS will as well.

Hello Mark
I'm not sure what SSC32's are. I'm a Lynx user. The bobcat uses a DMX protocol.
Take advantage of the Bobcat programming utility on setting rotation and endpoints.
HLS is working great with it.

Sorry for the long delay in continuing this conversation, but was wondering how your Halloween turned out? How are you liking HLS? I have LOR S3 for lighting but was playing with Vixen as it is: 1) Free 2) Has add-ons that will allow me to use Arduino and other controllers for Halloween. Do you see the same with HLS?

Thanks in advance,
Hello mkozik1,
I'm all lynx except Bobcat, but it was a coop through DLA site. Had a mix of AC and DC controlers along with Bobcat. Did some smart string stuff but I think I'm going to do more props next year and less lights. I'm very happy with Joe's HLS, I wish I had more time with it. Don't know about Anduino, It's largly DMX protocal but I know he is working to get the Renard equipment working with it.
Yeah, I am going to do both next year. A couple of weeks prior to the "Big Day" I am going to do the light show and then on Halloween work the props. This year is Zombies coming off of Pirates!