New and/or Adapting Sequences

Hey Everyone,

Due to some personal issues this year, I haven't had a chance to put together the sequences I would have liked to. Would anybody be willing to help me either adapt some shared sequences from this website, or create some new sequences (synced to music) for my setup this year? I will be able to get my lights out this year, and I have all my controllers/speakers/etc. ready, but I just haven't been able to adequately prepare. I could of course pay anyone who was willing to help me with this. I love tinkering, and a lot of this hobby for me has been making sequences in the past, but I think I'm just running short this year on time.

If it's not ok to post this kind of thing here, let me know. Just figured I'd ask, even though I know for y'all it's the busiest time of year.

EDIT: I'm using Vixen
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Are you using Xlights or Vixen? This is my first year so I'm probably not in a position to help out just yet hah, but there are a ton of Xlights shared sequences on their google drive which you can adapt to your setup. You could also use the Xlights ATW sequences which would yield you 4 songs from just the past 2 years if you didn't use them already.

I believe I saw a post on here about a shared sequence repository for Vixen, but I use Xlights so not sure where it's located.