one or more sequences?


Hello to all,
I hope I have written in the correct place.
This year will be my first time for a small CLS.
For this Christmas I composed a single sequence, lasting about 18 minutes, for 6 songs with Vixev V3.6u4.
Now I'm starting to prepare for next year and was wondering if it would be better to have a sequence every song instead.
If so, can I run one sequence after another without using programming?

I hope I have explained, however available for clarification.
Thanks so much in advance.

i personally prefer 1 big sequence so i can have the songs blend into eachother.
it does make it harder copying and moving already sequenced songs from previous years around though.

also my show doesnt play until someone sends an SMS so 1SMS=the whole show with 7ish songs
Sequence each song.
It is much easier to rearrange and recycle songs from prior years if they are sequenced separately and put together in a playlist. It is also easier to make changes on the fly when they are separate.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Ok, thanks a lot for your answers.
Actually I'm at a crossroads.
Single track (with multiple songs) it's best for my playback (I will always be there).
More sequences because in the future I would like to make a kind of panel with buttons (but it's still early for my programming knowledge).

For next year I will still make one file, in the future at most I will go to divide them.


That is a cool feature. If you figured that out, then you know it would just as easy to play a playlist or a single sequence. Have you written up how you made yours work?

i programmed my own custom sequencer...
im pushing 70fps with it and i get realtime rendering..
very nice for light installation and finetuning positional effects... it talks to a GSM modem