Orange Pi to Play Video on a Monitor using FPP?


New member
I am trying to run a video (MP4) on a computer monitor as a stand alone system for my side hustle. I have been successful using a RPi 3B+ with FPP loaded, but I was hoping to use one of the alternate pi products instead. I have a lot of experience with FPP and RPis, but little to no knowledge of the OPi. Can I load FPP onto an OPi and output video? Will it work like the RPi? Can I just use the RPi image for the OPi?
I'll try and find the posts if I have time but there were a couple of posts and updates(including by me) on using and OrangePi 3 with FPP. I did have some issues getting it loaded to start with and gave up a bit prematurely. I think it's more than doable but I swapped out my Octoprint Rasberry pi instead for the sake of time.

As for the Video part of it, I'm not really sure.
I appreciate it Chris, but if it is not a very straightforward process I think I am going to do something similar with my Octoprint PI.
I'll try and find the posts if I have time but there were a couple of posts and updates(including by me) on using and OrangePi 3 with FPP. I did have some issues getting it loaded to start with and gave up a bit prematurely. I think it's more than doable but I swapped out my Octoprint Rasberry pi instead for the sake of time.

As for the Video part of it, I'm not really sure.

Did you ever get FPP connected with your Orange pi? Currently trying a orange pi 3, which seems to come up to FPP but won't let a browser connect. it shows a IP, which I can ping, but won't respond (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) in chrome. I am in the hopes that I might be able to run an old school Renard via USB.
Haven't actually heard of any one getting one to run first hand yet.
I did get it running but I gave up because it was losing it's network configurations. What distro did you use?
Most of my issues I found were when I was using Armbian. This was over a year ago so things may have changed. I had much better luck using the debian distro. From there, just follow the script fpp_install script.
If you do a search on FPP of "Orange", you'll see a lot of threads. I couldn't find the exact one I was looking for.