Plea to Strongly Encourage people to start new topics


New member
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There is a on going problem with forums in general (the human element), as seen on the picdimmer forum we tend to grow pages worth of posts on a single thread. Since this new forum has more topic groups I am hoping that doesn't happen. However I am strongly encouraging the topic moderators to keep people on subject of the current thread they are posting in.

On the picdimmer site in the coops under a single thread you will find multiple discussion about things unrelated to the original thread topic. I have almost missed important details because the threads got off subject or the details were in threads that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Lots of design decisions/updates were posted in co-op orders thread, so you had to weed through co-op info to get the latest design info. There should be a ref from the co-op to the design section if related.

There is lots of good information in there that people might not see because of the time it takes to read everything in longer threads. If we stay on subject and when a new subject comes up start a new thread right away, the site will be more useful and more self documenting. To make that happen we all have to work at it, not just the mods.

That may also be a reason to try and accelerate the implementation of a wiki. There was a lot of design information that really doesn't belong in a forum discussion at all, but should have been place in a wiki article (or the related discussion for that article).

