PP Editor exit


Active member

A request....or consideration.

I pretty much use XL/NC for effects and got away from using PP editor. Today I mistakenly opened PPE and once I realized it I couldn't figure out how to exit it..... When I hit the "X" it just tells me I can't exit the PP Editor like that....but doesn't suggest the proper way. I clicked and cussed for half an hour and finally in frustration used Task Manager to escape. When I reopened the sequence it tried to rebuild but it froze everything HLS wise.... So it appears that I lost a couple hours sequencing work....

A simple way or should I say a more obvious way (as I'm sure it's simple IF you know it) or even a hint in the message that says you can't exit the PP editor like...."try 'xyz' to exit" would be appreciated. Surely I'm not the only one who has fallen on my face like this.
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Click on the Done button then delete the blank effect place holder that was generated by accessing the generator :)
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Click on the Done button then delete the blank effect place holder that was generated by accessing the generator :)

Thanks Rich....I used to know to do that(I'd forgotten "Done" was what I was looking for)...But 'sometimers' must be attacking again.... :biggrin2:

It would be great if you were there WHEN I was pulling my hair out! LOL....

Now that you reminded me of the "Done" button I went back and couldn't find it..... Screen resolution was hiding it (think old eyes) ......that's why I couldn't 'click' my way out.....when I went looking for THE way out.....and didn't see a "Done"....it dawned on me to check the resolution....

BTW...I wasn't complaining.....just thought some of us 'less gifted' users would appreciate a 'cheat sheet'....at that location. If I had remembered that "Done" was what I was looking for I think it would have prompted me to change the resolution...... If I don't use a feature very often it tends to go the way of things forgotten....like what I had for breakfast this morning! Or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it... :biggrin2:
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