Prayer request


Supporting Member
Please keep my dad in your prayers. He has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

--Jon Chuchla--

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I pray for wisdom for his medical team, God's healing touch upon his body and a speedy recovery.
Thanks guys. He's not that old yet (66). We would like to have him around a bit longer.

--Jon Chuchla--

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From what I know, it's somewhere on the edge between caught in plenty of time, and way too late. It was explained to me as the "you need to deal with this now" type.

Evidentially they offered him a surgical and a radiation option and two weeks to decide. The doctor was strongly recommending surgery as the more certain method. My dad has never been fond of surgery, and doesn't handle anesthesia very well. Not to mention his only sister died just 2 years ago 6 weeks after surgery to remove ovarian cancer. (hers was the way too late type) And while the radiation option is less invasive, it's certainly is time consuming with daily treatments for 2-3 weeks. And it eliminates the possibility of future surgery. Having worked as an engineer in the nuclear power industry for the past 35 years, he's more comfortable with radiation than knives. Then again, being an engineer, he fully understands that removing the broken part is the sure way to make sure it can't cause more damage.

So there's probably a lot more emotion going on than actual dire medical circumstance. It certainly doesn't make things easy. I'm just praying that he makes the right decision, whatever it may be.