renard plus espixel stick issue

so I dont want it connected to my home router. My show runs separate network from my home network. do I have to have another router for this to work.
also I have it plugged in still and noting pops up on boot

No , but you need to login to the device via its current IP to change settings.
so for now I changed it to my home network. I see the device. its unnamed even though i named it but I found its MAC so i know its correct. how do I tell the web browser to see it. I also have it IP now
so for now I changed it to my home network. I see the device. its unnamed even though i named it but I found its MAC so i know its correct. how do I tell the web browser to see it. I also have it IP now

The name is its ssid when in AP mode .
I found it and was able to update it in the web browser. so it should be good to go i will hook some power and pixels and small sequence and see what happens