Search on user country


New member

Is there a way to search users on their entered profile country?

I'd like to exchange ideas with people from my country, but can't find how to search for these people over here.
Don't think there is a way and Location is a free form not required entry on the profile so there are probably people that have not filled it in or not filled it in how you would search for that data so it would be very hit and miss.

Is there a way to search users on their entered profile country?

I'd like to exchange ideas with people from my country, but can't find how to search for these people over here.

Yep, there sure is.

Second line on the DIYC banner, click on community then select member list, at the top far right under the "Z" click on search members, below the search box, click on advanced search, in the location box, enter "Netherlands", scroll down the page and click on search now.

Looks like your best bet is henkvis. He's usually pretty active here around crunch time.

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