Sequenceing Vixen


New member
Has anyone got any tips etc or a "how to" on sequenceing songs etc?
I have done some simple on/off programs to check my board out and have looked at other peoples sequences and am a bit daunted by doing it to music. so any tips would be helpfull, maybe someone could write a Wiki? then others could add to it.

sequencing CAN be a daunting tast, especially if you have a lot of channels. It can take several hours of programming per minute, or even per second, of music depending on how many channels you have. I would recommend a set of headphones so you don't drive the rest of your household crazy with the repeating christmas music. What you are doing with looking at other's sequencing is a good place to start. Maybe even using the sequence to get the music beat and just tweaking it to your setup can save a lot of time.
Good luck.
First thing I do is create a BEAT line. I use an unused channel and just tap out the beat.

Two ways you can do this.
:arrow: Click on Sequence > Music, and use the bottom section.
- Choose the channel you want to use, click play, and start tapping the CTRL keys in time with the beat.

:arrow: From the sequence edit window, click on any event period in the channel you want to use, click PLAY, then tap out the beat using the SPACE bar.

For some songs I also use a second line and mark the 1st beat of every bar of music.
I would even use a third one at times, to mark a Chorus/Verse start.

When you get the hang of that (or if you're piano trianed) you can use the 1st suggestion above, but allocate different channels to the numeric keys, and do it all in one hit. :idea: :twisted:

Hope it helps.
Kevin, checl out the wiki-sequencing tips. I added some stuff there that might help you out with ideas.