Shout out to the Developer's on the backup feature


New member
So, its that time of year again. The time where you realize you should have started sooner on sequencing new props and new songs. I just want to take a second to thank the Vixen Geniuses that built in the back up feature. I accidentally overwrote a sequence tonight that could have taken me days to rebuild while I was importing a sequence package to try to ease my pain. I imported and saved the files and then realized I overwrote my sequence, because why wouldn't I save "carol of the bells" as carol of the bells!? Thankfully, I found back ups in my sequence folder that after modifying the filename I was able to open and HALLEJUAH.

Jeff and Jon, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think you guys provide great service for this platform and I am glad you were able to dummyproof it a little bit for Neanderthal's like me. You guys deserve an award ceremony every year for your dedication.
Thanks. Honestly the backup files are there just as much for us as they are for you. It saves us a lot of time helping people thru various issues.