Triple Bypass

Good to hear Brian and Thank You for taking the time to let us know how things are going.

We will all keep a little prayer going for his continued improvement and quick recovery.

Take some time and relax, enjoy your family - life - good health - and just plain good fortune yourself! You certainly deserve a bit of a break to catch your breath!

Hope this helps bring joy and happiness back into the season for you and yours.
Today is going to be a replay of yesterday. Still in ICU under heavy sedation. It seems they have controlled the seizures as he has not had one in over 31 hours as I type this. They are keeping things as is for today to make sure they have them fully under control. Tomorrow an MRI is scheduled to rule out any form of stroke just to be safe. If all goes well today and tonight they will try to take off the sedation medicines and let him wake up. I things this is all positive news and hoe he wakes up before the end of the week.

Thanks again to all for the kind thoughts and prayers. This is a very hard time for the entire family on more levels than anyone can imagine. Being Christmas week is not helping much either.
Dad woke up yesterday morning. Breathing tube has been removed and is surrently on an O2 mask. Seizure activity has stopped. The only moveent in his left arm is a small finger wiggle. He was really tired yesterday but fully aware of everything. We had him smiling and even laughing/giggling. By the end of the day he even uttered a few words. Hopefully we are on the road to recovery at this point and no more set backs.

Thanks to all for your kind words and prayers. I believe they made a positive difference.
Dad continues to recover more and more each day. He is still in CTICU but is doing very well. He is down to only a single IV. Both chest tubes have been removed. He is undergoing Physical Therapy every day to get him walking again. He is eating solid foods now. He has gained some mobility in his left arm and hand but still will need therapy for a while and hope more mobility come back.

We go and see him each day. Yesterday he was laughing and playing a game on my cell phone with me. Life is getting better each day!

Thank you all again for all the prayers and kind thoughts.
Dad was moved to a physical rehab facility Thurdsay night. He is doing so well that they have an expected discharge date of 01/22, 8 days from now. We went and observed his PT session yesterday. It was the first time we have seen him walking on 4 weeks. He was walking, going up and down stairs and ramps and even doing some leg exercises.

Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers. I truly believe the Lord heard all of them and that is what helped bring us through all this.