ucs1903 led pixel string to teensy 3.1 matrix


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i have a led string of ucs1903 hooked up to a teensy 3,1 green wire to pin 13 white to the ground red to the power supply run the blinker code from fastled.
no reaction at all, they just shine but they do also wenn i connect positive and negative to the led string.

if i connect a normal led to pin 13 and ground it blinks just as the status led on the teensy, so the teensy fully works.

i want to make a matrix with this led strings ucs1903 400 of them i purchased,please help me witch the code library i am a total geek i dont understand what i am doing wrong.

PLease provide me a step by step plan.
i have a led string of ucs1903 hooked up to a teensy 3,1 green wire to pin 13 white to the ground red to the power supply run the blinker code from fastled.
no reaction at all, they just shine but they do also wenn i connect positive and negative to the led string.

if i connect a normal led to pin 13 and ground it blinks just as the status led on the teensy, so the teensy fully works.

i want to make a matrix with this led strings ucs1903 400 of them i purchased,please help me witch the code library i am a total geek i dont understand what i am doing wrong.

PLease provide me a step by step plan.
#include "FastLED.h"

// How many leds in your strip?
#define NUM_LEDS 50

// For led chips like Neopixels, which have a data line, ground, and power, you just
// need to define DATA_PIN. For led chipsets that are SPI based (four wires - data, clock,
// ground, and power), like the LPD8806 define both DATA_PIN and CLOCK_PIN
#define DATA_PIN 13

//#define CLOCK_PIN 5

// Define the array of leds

void setup() {
// Uncomment/edit one of the following lines for your leds arrangement.
// FastLED.addLeds<TM1803, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
// FastLED.addLeds<TM1804, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
FastLED.addLeds<TM1809, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
// FastLED.addLeds<GW6205, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

void loop() {
// Turn the LED on, then pause
leds[0] = CRGB::Red;
// Now turn the LED off, then pause
leds[0] = CRGB::Black;

with this code the status led on my teensy and a induvidual led blinks along the time i set it in the program, the ucs 1903 just keeps on shining no blinking nothing so the teensy cant be the problem its the code or the leds
i have a led string of ucs1903 hooked up to a teensy 3,1 green wire to pin 13 white to the ground red to the power supply run the blinker code from fastled.
no reaction at all, they just shine but they do also wenn i connect positive and negative to the led string.

if i connect a normal led to pin 13 and ground it blinks just as the status led on the teensy, so the teensy fully works.

i want to make a matrix with this led strings ucs1903 400 of them i purchased,please help me witch the code library i am a total geek i dont understand what i am doing wrong.

PLease provide me a step by step plan.

This might help

Thanks thats for understanding the code-proces, i posted a code above, the simpel blinker code and it works with a singel normal led on pin 13 and ground, if i change the delay time the led is doing the same, so it works.

What i cant get, is my ucs1903 pixel string to do anything.
Wiring up the + and - then the led string turns on and connect the data wire to pin 13 treid almoust any pin but nothing they stay on.

So whats wrong in the code i have the ucs1903 and 1809 chip selected (should be the same)

So how can i proceed now ?
Program and teensy shows a blinking status led so thats ok, but no comunication with the led string ?
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I am not sure you should enable various pixel types to the same data pin .
maybe just try one like this to see if you can get it blinking .

#include "FastLED.h"

// How many leds in your strip?
#define NUM_LEDS 50

// For led chips like Neopixels, which have a data line, ground, and power, you just
// need to define DATA_PIN. For led chipsets that are SPI based (four wires - data, clock,
// ground, and power), like the LPD8806 define both DATA_PIN and CLOCK_PIN
#define DATA_PIN 13

//#define CLOCK_PIN 5

// Define the array of leds

void setup() {
// Uncomment/edit one of the following lines for your leds arrangement.
// FastLED.addLeds<TM1803, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
// FastLED.addLeds<TM1804, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
//FastLED.addLeds<TM1809, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
//FastLED.addLeds<UCS1903B, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
// FastLED.addLeds<GW6205, DATA_PIN, RGB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);

void loop() {
// Turn the LED on, then pause
leds[0] = CRGB::Red;
// Now turn the LED off, then pause
leds[0] = CRGB::Black;