Unable to control WM2999 with AduarnoTransmitterE1.31 LOR>E1.31>radio>WM2999


New member
I'm still hoping some of you smart people can help me to get my pixels up this year, but it not it gives me a year to get it right. I had some early hardwire problems with my radio. a broken solder joint. So with the guidance of Komby I have been able to run from Kombys test transmitter sketch to PrintingReciever and also watch my pretty pixels change color.
Now I have not been able to over come the next big hurdle of sending e1.31 data from any program to the recievers. At the moment I have been able to launch Scanview and see the levels change in scanview but printingReciever showes no activity. I have tried hooking up from my ethernet port with a crossover cable to my Arduino Uno R3 to ethernetsheld to minimalist shield. and no data. I connected with a standard cable still no data. I placed my netgear router and no data.
I loaded DhcpAddressPrinter and when I have my netgear router in my loop It tells my address is
So I tried entering into ArduinoEthernetSheildE1.31Transmitter to this line //Change this IP to one on your network IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 3); Thanks for any and all suggestions. Got the rest of my show up with video to go fish little drummer boy amygrant Breath of heaven and more. I thought I was smart but boy I am really over my head with this.