Upgraded to Cura 5.1 - Issue


New member
I have been watching some videos online about the new Arachne Slicer in Cura 5.+. I just downloaded Cura 5.1 and brought in the C9 pixel cover I have been printing using Cura 4.1.3 for this year's display upgrade. I have found with the PETG and my printer that 240° nozzle and 85° Bed temp works best for my setup.

In v5.1 the Printing Temperature shows the 240° I want, but as soon as I preheat my printer and tell it to print my file the nozzle temp drops to 120° on the control screen. Any ideas as to what is going on?
By any chance are there any scripts running? Extensions>Post Processing>Modify G Code
Another thought, that probably goes hand in hand with the previous, is to check all the temperature settings in cura. In the advanced view, under materials, there are 4 temperature settings. Mine are all set the same(240 for petg).
I think you could change it in 1 of 2 ways. I'm pretty sure if you find the temperature settings I posted about you'll find one of the them is the temperature you were getting.

Otherwise, if you edit the gcode for the machine, it should persist for all prints. Note though, the last time I added something I couldn't get it to persist. I found the secret was that after you make the change in startup code, click into the ending code before you exit. After I did that, all code persisted.