Vendor Discounts and Group Buy Plans 2014


New member
As the title suggests: (FOR 2014 SALES ONLY)

I and many others want to make plans for next year, and besides ideas alone materials and components prices/availability play a huge part in our decisions. Giving our vendors/stores and Group Buy holders a chance to maybe set plans and dates so in which us, the consumers are better aware of whats out there and for the price of ($).

This would be a great place to announce plans, possible changes, and new items that require interest in-order to even receive thought of purchase. This also may spark greater interest in purchase coordination alone for better pricing in general... as in addition this is a good place for us consumers to ask questions, and to share interests in certain consumer goods, giving vendors a better idea for purchases so they are not stuck with great amounts of stuff no one help us, we help you :)

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to ALL!
We have already started our pre order sale for 2014.

We have a bunch of stuff that is ready to ship now at pre sale pricing. That list can be found here

Whats new?
We already have more lights and supplies inbound. We have a container of strand lights due in late Jan.
Our sale runs through the end of Feb. We wanted to give people more time to make their decisions.
We have added some more products for 2014 and still more coming.

We are always willing to listen to our customers. So if you have any ideas on products..etc let us know.