Vixen 3.6u4 Released


Active member
This is a minor bug fix release to bring the recent bug fixes into a full release.

Release Notes - Vixen 3 - 3.6u4 Release Build

** Bug
* [VIX-2845] - Math Error in Liquid SetupRender method
* [VIX-2866] - Location offsets are not properly applied to custom props
* [VIX-2867] - Adding element(s) to an existing group does not properly reflect their position in the tree.
* [VIX-2871] - certain effects do not work on certain elements
* [VIX-2872] - Crash when pasting non-vixen content into editor
* [VIX-2875] - Controllers may not start correctly when started from the web interface.
* [VIX-2877] - Cannot Export through the wizard
* [VIX-2880] - Fatal error during sequence execution

** Improvement
* [VIX-2876] - Have the pixel effect frame interval match the default update interval.
I am getting an error when trying to install the latest 64bit release.

'Installer Integrity check has failed. common cause includes incomplete download and damaged media...'
It's been a while since we've heard from you Tony, welcome back.

Glad to be back. I have been in a massive home remodel over the last year so haven't been around much. I am actually using Vixen 3 this year so hopefully I will be able to jump back in and lend a hand where needed.