Voice track loaded into Vixen


New member
All right. The goal is to create the singing pumpkin effect. I have just the vocal portion of the song loaded into Vixen, what next? I've tried running the waveform to get the "pulses" but generally only one channel gets lit up....sometimes the second and third but mostly just the first. How can you dedicate one channel to a voice or voices and place that in the grid?

I've also tried tapping it out with the number method but thats pretty tricky.

Any help is appreciated!

I just spread it over 16 channels, played with the multiplier until I got a good spread across all channels and then picked the channel that looked the best.

The other way is to display the audio waveform at the top and manually fill in the grid.
In 1.1, under Add-ins, click on Waveform. You’ll see this:

Set the scale factor (multiplier). I’ve used between 2 and 10. Highlight the number of channels and hit Start.

With 2.0, there’s an auto scale to 100% parameter which will guarantee 100% coverage across all selected channels, without bothering with the scale factor.
You can also use the frequency spectrum in 2.0 to do a waveform analysis for a specific frequency range. You can go into there, click play to find what range best represents the vocals, and drag the blue bar in that range to the desired on/off threshold.

Matt said:
You can also use the frequency spectrum in 2.0 to do a waveform analysis for a specific frequency range. You can go into there, click play to find what range best represents the vocals, and drag the blue bar in that range to the desired on/off threshold.


I'm trying this approach for my singing pumpkins "This Is Halloween" . About 100 to 3k range looks about right. I'm going to use 8 channels since I have one 595 board built, and 2 SSR boards fully assembled.

All it does is turn on all 8 channels for the entire sequice.

I've also tried the waveform, and it sorta works, but not really the effect I want as it has more than vocals.

Does anyone have any 8 channel halloween sequences theyd be willing to share?
