Weird Network Issue

I'm running several pi's, BBB's, f16's and an e1.31 bridge all networked on 3 switches. All of the sudden I am unable to access one of the f16's and one of the BBB's from a computer, but I can access each from my phone. Neither is working correctly either (they are not running the show like they were last night during testing).

I would jump up and say it's an ethernet cable issue, but I'm confused that I can access it from my phone.

I plan on switching out the ethernet cable tomorrow (not going up on the roof tonight), but wanted to see if there are any other thoughts/ideas out there.

I too am hunting down some "very interesting" network problems. All are on wire. All are in positions and connected as they have been in the past.
In my case, both of the ones that don't respond are Kulp boards - one with a pocket beagle and the other with a full sized BBB. All communications are run through Netgear switches. The central switch is a Netgear Click Switch (16 port - GSS108E). The remote switches are 8 port (GS108). There are no more than 2 switches between the RPi running the show and the controllers in the field.

At first I thought it was something to do with DDP as they are the only ones running it. (All others are E1.31.) Not so sure now. Perhaps something in the network software updates during this past year.

Controllers in the field are Kulp, Falcon, and SanDevices.

Any like you are using?
Have yours worked at all? Mine have up until yesterday. But I'm hindsight we did get some rain yesterday, so I'm thinking that's not a coincidence.

The phone is still confusing me
Figured it out... a smart light switch I had to replace stole the ip address while the show was off. Forced the light switch to get a new ip address and all is good in the world again (at least for me... Al, I hope you get it figured out).
Just got in. Mine turned out to be a Ubiquiti Nanostation based bridge that contrary to instructions, needed to be setup "special". Same bridge has worked flawlessly for years. Though mine is working, I cannot find peace in just knowing that. All things say "something is wrong here."

Glad to hear you found yours.
I encountered an oddity last week involving ports and xFinity. (I guess all I need to mention is xFinity and oddities just occur...) Anyway, my webcam runs on port 8082. It worked last week and then, suddenly, it didn't work. I tried everything to fix it. Finally I got to a place at their web site that allowed me to request a callback. And son of a gun, somebody called within 5 minutes!!! He introduced himself as "Jim".

Nice fellow, I explained to him right away that I would probably be categorized as an "advanced user" since I've been screwing around with networking and network installs for about 30 years, and my issue is that ports are no longer working. I had already spent about an hour on their forum reading all the comments about problems with ports, and armed with all my research, I suggested that something at xFinity is broken because they had replaced the modem's firmware with something that has no functionality for changing port settings and now, they didn't even provide a way for a customer to edit them from his/her PC. Jim couldn't find anyplace on the xFinity web site for a link to a page to display or change them, either.

Jim apparently looked at some of the same things I had read and agreed with me after I told him that there isn't a way to edit them using a PC. I told him that using a phone to do that sort of thing is just not workable because one who's working with ports probably wants to review all the settings to eliminate potential duplication errors because you can't see all the information on a tiny phone screen. Jim agreed on that, too. Apparently Jim is a "port guy" too...

I asked him to escalate the issue because it's a current and important issue for me. He said he would and we hung up the phones.

Apparently something hit home with my request. Perhaps they were impressed that I've used their service for 30 years and have several phones, a security system and more listed on my monthly bill... because the next morning, my webcam was working. I still can't find a way to check or change settings via a PC, but I'll leave that for another time.