What's the practical difference of using UART vs RMT on the ESP32?

I noticed with the ESPixelstick FW the first 2 outputs are UARTs, and the next xx number are configured as RMT.
Is there any real difference here? I couldn't find anything meaningful on Google.

For doing some quick testing with a strand of lights (no output buffers connected or anything) and the Pixelstick output set to the rainbow pattern, I noticed when the IO pin was configured as one of the RMT outputs a lot of flicker on the lights, and when configured as a UART the rainbow test pattern was rock solid. I haven't had a chance to hook up a output buffer but was surprised by the difference and hoping that goes away... Also, any reason why the code isn't using the 3rd UART on the ESP32?
Thanks Martin! The flicker is with the that ESP32 d1 mini you were helping me with.
I will experiment more this weekend and also check with a Lolin pro.