Working Lynx

Is anyone bringing a working Lynx to the mini? I can't get mine to work with LEDs and want to make sure it's operator error, (meaning me), and not something else. I've already reprogrammed both pics on the dongle and the Lynx and still no blinky/flashy.

I'll bring my PicKit2, dongle, and various led strands.

Bill, was riding up with me, who was bring one. I do think his plans have changed and won't be coming now. If you think it is a programming error, I can help with that.

I'll be there on Saturday. I can bring my setup and maybe we can figure out where your problems are. I have a working lynx and dongle but no real sequences yet :D

I also have a working pickit2 and socket board.

take care

Rick R.
Is anyone bringing a working Lynx to the mini? I can't get mine to work with LEDs and want to make sure it's operator error, (meaning me), and not something else. I've already reprogrammed both pics on the dongle and the Lynx and still no blinky/flashy.

I'll bring my PicKit2, dongle, and various led strands.


Maybe I could help. I have tried to get you to work with me and tell me the issue. Is this the issue it does not work with Led's? I have not even been able to find that out as of yet. I sent a PM asking to allow me in assist you with it. How can I help you get the problem fixed. Does it not dim correctly. Doesn't it not work at all?

Maybe I could help. I have tried to get you to work with me and tell me the issue. Is this the issue it does not work with Led's? I have not even been able to find that out as of yet. I sent a PM asking to allow me in assist you with it. How can I help you get the problem fixed. Does it not dim correctly. Doesn't it not work at all?


I'm sure it's an error on my part, (not the first time and certainly not the last), I just haven't had time to work on it. I've been dealing with computer crashes for the past month, even my desktop decided to bite the dust. I'm having to limp along using my laptop which I really just use for remote shows and checking e-mail when I'm traveling.

It's not really a huge issue at this time, I just have way too many unfinished projects right now. I still haven't moved all of my tools and such from the other house. Actually, I still haven't moved much of the furniture :)
Let me know we can't have any of my children misbehaving! LOL

Let me know when I can help, But I am curious what is the symptoms?

I heard you found the problem and it was a vixen setup issue so I am glad you are working. Let me know how it works for you now that you have it fixed.
