XLIGHTS - GROUPs do not show up in preview


New member
I have created the following models, Peak Left, Peak right, House Eaves. I place Peak Left and Peak Right into a group call PEAKS, I then created a group call ALL and placed PEAKS and House Eave into it. When I start creating a sequence, if I place an effect on say Left Peak, it shows up in the preview, if I place a effect on ALL, nothing shows up in the preview... I know I have missed something, but what? also if I place an effect on the PEAKS group, it does not show up in the preview... or even the House Preview... I expected the ALL to show the effect on all the attached models...
OK so I cant read. I found the issue in that I changed the Preview setting to 'All Previews' and that seemd to do the trick ... now I can continue learning..