Xlights Multiple Areas - Not Visible from one location - Modeling Ideas anyone?


New member
We have a large driveway and one side of the property that faces a major highway. This year we are going to add a mini mega tree to that side as well as some poles, outlines, etc... The major part of the show is across and to the back side of the property on an entirely different street.
Looking for some best practice ideas for modeling this in XLIGHTS. I would like for lights on both sides of the property to be tied to the same sequence/song and likely I will duplicate our mega tree on the mini mega.

Those that have done this if you can give me some pros and cons of things you've done and some recommendations I'd appreciate it.
Splice in two pictures as one in Photoshop or something, give it some separation, and use that as your background image.
Doesnt xLights use the positioning of the models to determine center, top, bottom, etc so that when effects go across the entire display there would be issues with that right?
I have not played with it much, but this sounds like a situation that the 3D view in XLights was made to handle. I could be wrong.
I'm sure 3d would handle it, but I don't think that's necessary just for this. Xlights does key off of the geometrical coordinates, but that's only for within a group. So if you apply an effect to All-pic1 group, nothing in All-pic2 group will figure into that. You could still have an Everything group and use that to play effects (like Twinkle) which don't really care about location. The mere presence of a group isn't going to affect anything. If you applied, say, Pinwheel to Everything, that would be screwed up, but you just wouldn't do that. You would do separate Pinwheels to All-pic1 and All-pic2.