Revision XA board (first revision)
Schematic Errata:
The first note on the schematic has a mistake ... it should read 'in place of U1', rather than 'in place of J1'.
The diode reference designators depicted on the schematic are for the Rev XA PCB. On the Rev XB PCB, the 1N5229 diode is D4, the 1N5239 diode is D5 (the one near D4). There is a second D5 diode on the Rev XB PCB, a power indicator LED near U11 and R19.
Important Note: The entire solder side of the PCB is a ground plane, which will tend to absorb and redistribute heat. It is highly recommended that you use a good, temperature controlled soldering iron to assemble the board. Ordinary pen-style soldering irons may not get hot enough to make good solder connections, especially to pins that connect to the ground plane.
There are several alternatives listed below for providing a zero-crossing signal. The first choice is listed as preferred, because that is the selection that works with the Ren-T board. The second alternative is OK (requires an external low-voltage transformer). The third alternative will work also, but its use is discouraged because it requires that 110VAC be brought onto the controller board.
PCB 1 TBA Renard 64-Port PCB Resistors 3 299-27K-RC 27K Resistor, 1/8 W, Axial (RS485 pull) R5,R8,R14 2 299-1K-RC 1K Resistor, 1/8 W, Axial (RS485 series) R4,R7 1 660-MF1/4DCT52R1200F 120 Resistor, 1/4 W, Axial R6 1 299-330-RC 330 Resistor, 1/8 W, Axial (for power LED) R19 Capacitors 8 80-C322C104K5R 0.1 uF Radial-lead Ceramic Capacitor C3-C10 1 647-UVR1C470MDD 47 uF, 16V Radial-Lead Elect. Cap C2 Diodes 1 78-1N5229B 4.3v 0.5w Zener D4 (left) 1 78-1N5239B 9.1v 0.5w Zener D5 (near R5 on XB) or D4 (right, on XA) 1 604-WP7104GT T1 Green LED D5 (near U11) Connectors 2 571-5202514 AMP Modular Jacks, Right Angle J3, J4 16 538-95003-2881 Molex Modular Jacks, Vertical PCB mount J5-16, J18-21 1 571-640454-2 AMP Polarized Header (2-Pin, Straight Post) J17 8 575-199314 14 Pin Low Profile IC Socket U7-U14 1 571-1032393 3-Pin Straight Header J2 1 151-8000 2-Pin Shunt J2 1 538-70543-0002 3-Pin Shrouded Header (see notes 1-3 below) U1 1 538-50-57-9403 3-Pin SL Connector (mate to preceding item) XU1 3 538-16-02-0103 Crimp Terminals, Female, 22-24AWG, 15μ Au XU1 ICs 2 511-ST485BN RS485 Connectors U4,U5 8 579-PIC16F688-I/P PIC16F688, unprogrammed, DIP14, Industrial Temp U7-14 Oscillator 1 520-TCH1843-X Oscillator, 18.432 MHz, 5V, 8-DIP U3 ZC Alternative 1 (if zero-crossing is brought in on J17 or through J3/J4, preferred) 1 299-10K-RC 10K Resistor, 1/8 W, Axial R9 1 512-2N3904TFR 2N3904 Transistor Q1 ZC Alternative 2 (if 12VAC is brought into J1 as the zero-crossing source) 1 571-640454-2 AMP Polarized Header (2-Pin, Straight Post) J1 1 782-H11AA1 Optoisolator U6 2 299-1.5K-RC 1.5K Resistor, 1/8 W Resistor R1,R2 ZC Alternative 3 (if 110VAC is brought into J1 as the zero-crossing source, discouraged). 1 571-640454-2 AMP Polarized Header (2-Pin, Straight Post) J1 1 782-H11AA1 Optoisolator U6 2 71-CCF60-15K-E3 15K Resistor, 3/4 W, MF Resistor R1,R2 Optional (if per/port LEDs are desired) 64 859-LTL-403G LEDs, Rectangular, Green 8 652-4608X-1LF-680 Resistor Network, 680 Ohm, 8-Pin, Bussed R10-13, R20-23 8 299-680-RC Resistor, 680 Ohm, 1/8W R15-18, R24-27 Optional (if using on-board regulator with unfiltered power brought in through J4, see note 1 below) 1 625-1N5819-E3 50v 1A Schottky Diode D1 1 511-L4940V Regulator, LDO, 5V, 1.5A U1 1 140-XRL16V1000-RC 1000 uF, 16V Radial-Lead Elect. Cap C1
Note 1: The on-board regulator should only be used if measures are taken to keep the current consumption down (omitting the on-board LEDs, and using the non-PWM firmware). If the LEDs are used and the PWM firmware is installed, the current consumption if the board is about 1A, and so the regulator will dissipate too much power (the small value of C1 precludes decreasing the input voltage). If you are using an external PC power supply, you don't need these optional parts.
If the on-board regulator is used, omit the header that is designated for U1.
Note 2: The specified connectors for bringing in external power are 15μ Gold, you may change this if you have other preferences. Also, the molex calls for using a crimp tool. The ones in the mouser catalog are pretty expensive, and I don't know how well the Radio Shack ones will work.
Note 3: An alternative to the Molex power connectors is to use a modified, spare IDE disk drive Y-cable (or similar) as a pigtail from the board.
Revision History
7/21/2007 BOM copied from picdimmer forum, on-board regulator made optional 7/21/2007 Value of regulator parts (diode, regulator, cap) changed. 7/21/2007 Value of LED current limit resistors changed. 7/22/2007 Changed p/n of TYCO/Amp vert. mount connector to ROHS, added note about physical size problem with them. 7/24/2007 Deleted TYCO/Amp vert. mount jacks, they don't fit. Use the Molex Jacks instead. 7/24/2007 Changed value of C2, to agree with datasheet for regulator even at low temperatures. 8/07/2007 Change vendor, pn for optional 680 Ohm resistor network to one that is more readily available. 8/07/2007 Change description of 299-series resistors (previously had the wrong power rating). 8/07/2007 Created two zero-crossing alternatives. 8/12/2007 Added new zero-crossing alternative (the new alternative 2) 8/27/2007 Added Two 3-Pin headers (for J2, U1) and a 2-pin shunt (J2). 9/02/2007 Changed two part numbers (added dashes), modified note regarding on-board regulator. 10/01/2007 Changed part numbers for power connector, added notes regarding that. 10/01/2007 Fixed incorrect p/n for 3-pin header.
Construction Notes
1) The '+' leads of C1 and C2 go in the holes with the square pads.
2) The anodes of the status LEDs (long lead) go in the holes with the square pads.
3) The cathodes (the end with the band) of diodes D1, D4, and D5 go in the holes with the square pads.
4) The pin with the dot above it on the resistor network component should be installed in the square hole.
Errata for Rev XA PCB
1) The trace between J4 and D1 is too small, and needs to be beefed up if the board is configured to draw more than 1/2A through J4. 2) There are two diodes labeled D4. 3) The holes for D1 are too small. 4) The silkscreen reference designator for C3 (above U10) is missing.