2020 Virtual Christmas Summit - July 18th and 19th

They're free so signing up is easy. I'd suggest signing up for one tonight so that you can work out any of the setup details before the event.
Just have to say, i enjoyed the presentations I was able to attend. There were a few I could not get into due to capacity restraints but most were streamed to youtube.
I hope this becomes a regular event! It was very well run and there were only minor blips (to be expected).
Big Kudos to all presenters and organizers! I just want to say Thanks for all your efforts!
I very much enjoyed the sessions and I learned a few new tricks. That makes it a HUGE success in my book. A big Thank you to the organizers.
At the end of the summit there were about 581 people online and slides were shown of the list of organizers, presenters, sponsors and others associated with helping to make the event not only possible, but successful. It read like the credits at the end of a Cecil B. deMille blockbuster! Dozens upon dozens upon dozens of names!

Modern, powerful software and Al Gore's internet thingy often make it seem so easy and seamless to put an event like this together but in the end, what really makes it tick are the people, the collaborative ideas they share and the willingness to put forth that extra effort to "make it work."

Indeed, it is no small feat to plan and execute a 2-day online webinar and we often take it for granted because of the tools we use on an everyday basis. So yes, thank you to everyone involved in helping to put this historic event together.

Well done!!
A VERY BIG THANK YOU to the organizers, presenters, support folks, and attendees of the event. Though I was only able to attend for a few hours, the event was very well done. Yes, there were "blips", but not as many as I thought there would be. Nice job folks.

And, BTW - having the videos available after the fact is WONDERFUL!

Al G
Lebanon, Illinois
weldingzilla - You do know that you are replying to a year old thread, about an event that has already passed - don't you?
Just that we should receive confirmation notices a couple of weeks before the event.
Not sure why it will be that short of a time before hand, but the group is working on what may turn out to be the largest get-together we have seen.
I do wish they would send out a "you are registered" email so that we would know for sure that everything went through. Oh well.
